12 Days till Christmas// Blogmas 2021

Hey there, I am kicking off blogmas with a fun Christmas tag. Instead of starting blogmas on Dec. 1st, I decided to be easy on myself by blogging for the 12 days leading up to Christmas instead. Not overwhelming myself is the goal. Also, every blogmas post will not be Christmas related. Enjoy 🙂

The Christmas Tag Rules (but I’m changing them a little)

  • Put on your favorite Christmas playlist to listen to while answering!
  • Have a Christmas drink and/or snack while writing
  • Thank the blogger who tagged you and link to their site (I wasn’t tagged to do this but thank you- OurFavouriteJar for these fun questions I found on their blog)
  • Answer the 10 original questions

The Original Questions

Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com

When do your decorations go up?

Usually, the week of Thanksgiving or the week after.

Who is the Scrooge in your family or friendship group?

The scrooge in the family would most definitely be ME. I’m not a Christmas lovin’ gal, call me on New Years Eve lol.

If money were no object, how and where would you spend Christmas?

On a Caribbean Island where it’s warm and sunny.

What Christmas film do you HAVE to watch every festive season?

‘How the Grinch Stole Christmas’ with Jim Carey.

Who do you find hardest to buy presents for?

My grandfather. I feel like I end up going with giving cash or the same typical type of gifts like wallet, coffee mug, slippers, socks, etc.

Would you rather buy lots of little presents for a hamper, or buy one big/ main present?

I’m not sure what a hamper is but I would rather buy one big/main present. The most cost-effective option.

What did you leave out for Santa when you were a child?

Milk and cookies.

Where did you spend last Christmas?

I spent last Christmas at home but before covid, we would all go to my grandma’s house.

Which Christmas song makes you cringe?

‘All I want for Christmas is you’ by: Mariah Carey is what nightmares are made of. The chokehold this song has on retail stores is ridiculous.

If you could be a character in a holiday movie, who would you be and why?

Maybe Macaulay Culkin’s character on Home Alone. He was having too much fun!

Bonus Questions from Jupiterhadley.

Photo by Gary Spears on Pexels.com

What is your favorite winter treat?

Candy canes and peppermint flavored drinks.

What Christmas traditions do you celebrate?

I don’t really have any Christmas traditions currently but when I was younger, I remember decorating the tree together with my family, we used to open one gift on the night of Christmas eve, and we used to go see the Christmas lights on 34th street in Baltimore.

Are you wishing for snow this year?

Absolutely not.

Have you ever built a gingerbread house? What is your technique?

I have never built a gingerbread house before, but I would like to one day.

What hot chocolate do you like best?

Nestle hot cocoa mix but I honestly don’t have a set preference of brands as long as it’s milk chocolate.

What gift are you hoping to get this year?

I am hoping to get a clothing rack, a JBL portable clip speaker (to take to the park, beach, etc), and Amazon gift cards.

What is your warmest wintertime memory?

All of my warmest wintertime memories were when I was a kid- being snowed in and not having to go to school. I would get up and go outside to have snowball fights and make snow angels. That was the life!

Till next time,

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